With over 70 years of cumulative experience our team aims to repair your digital equipment bring it back to service with minimal fuss and expense.

In another line of business we accumulated a large stock of Aqualisa Processors. Most were excellent, but there were occasions when leaks and other problems developed out of the box. Due to the acquisition arrangements we had to carry out all repairs in house, which at the time was a nuisance, but helped us understand and trouble shoot the devices to a degree the manufacturer no longer possess.
The debut of the Repair Service on e-bay was excellent, but did not allow us to offer advice, maintain user comments, etc. hence the reason for this site.
We hope you value our efforts to reduce the landfill load and are willing to support us. Any unwanted Processors will be welcomed regardless of their state.
We are not a “not-for-profit organisation”, but with service like the Repair Service we shall not go for an IPO anytime soon and rival the likes of Amazon, thus your visit to our online store will be appreciated.
We also aim to add a 3D designs of useful things which could be printed at home or elsewhere. If you have ideas please share them. We shall consider and when in agreement may develop and post here for the perusal and use of the public.
From the team at OurBathroom
Our Bathroom Service Ltd, Reg. in England, No. 14954349, VAT No. 448985428